Together we can achieve results for our community
Mathew 25:41-46

Welcome to Hearty Heart Foundation (HHF)

Why We Exist

We provide children with medical care and programmes in health and nutrition, education and emergency response. We believe that people must not lose their lives over curable health complications on account of financial restraints, neither should brilliant but needy children be left robbed of their future because they cannot afford quality education.

Why Give?

Through the foundation, donors will be able to help Hearty Heart remain a unique healing environment in this community, use the most advanced medical technology, use the best practices in clinical care anywhere, and be a Good Samaritan to those who need us most.
Your gift can help ensure that we carry forward the collaborative vision for Hearty Heart Foundation (HHF) that we have created with the people of our community to be a comprehensive, health care support system and a healing presence in this community.

A Concrete help for a Better and Kind world

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You can be a helping hand

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Season of Sharing
with us.

We Need you in the making of World of Humanity

we love them

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